Sex workers living in Greece, regardless of their gender and sexual orientation or religion and origin, are not treated as equal citizens, as it is practically impossible to obtain a legal work permit and, therefore, they are deprived of basic human rights, living in an illegal regime with serious consequences for the quality of their physical and mental health and little possibility to escape from poverty, exploitation and abuse.
Is it impossible to issue a work permit because it is prohibited? No, it is not prohibited. The current law 2734/1999 allows the issuance of a certificate of paid sex work employment, the license to establish and use premises as well as the hiring of service/assistance staff. However, the criteria and conditions are so strict that it is practically impossible to issue them.
The list of necessary documents is available here for the 3 different licenses: for people who want to do sex work, for sex service premises and for people who want to work as auxiliary staff.